
Buy Weldcote E71TGS .030" X 2# Spool Flux Cored Welding Wire Web Store

Weldcote E71TGS .030

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Weldcote E71TGS .030
Weldcote E71TGS .030" X 2# Spool Flux Cored Welding Wire Size: 2 LbsWire Size: .030"Part # E71TG030X2The many positive characteristics of 71T-GS make it the smart choice for the "hobbyist" welder, as it works very well on the small 110 volt power source/feeders which have become so popular. 71T-GS is designed for single pass welding of thin-gauge carbon steel, ranging from 3/16" to 22 gauge. This electrode is formulated to weld quite effectively over galvanized material and can be used on certain aluminized surfaces as well. 71T-GS requires no external gas-shielding and should be welded with DCEN (straight polarity).71T-GS is the natural choice for applications such as lap and butt welds on galvanized sheet metal, repair of automobile sheet metal, welding ductwork and joining of galvanized roofing sheet metal.Chemical Composition of E71T-GSIron:  BalanceCarbon:  0.13Silicon:  0.45Manganese:  0.82Phosphorus:  0.016Sulfur:  0.013Aluminum:  1.23Values are estimate valuesSingle values are maximum unless otherwise specified.Tensile strength - 72,000 psi min.Yield strength - 60,000 psi min.Elongation % in 2" - 20ft lbs at 0F min.Charpy V-Notch: Impact Value - 44 ft lbs. at 0F.

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