
Best Cheap ATD Tools 3130 130A 115V MIG Welder For Sale

ATD Tools 3130 130A 115V MIG Welder

you looking for cheap ATD Tools 3130 130A 115V MIG Welder?

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ATD Tools 3130 130A 115V MIG Welder
This core welder is great for auto body, maintenance, hobbyist and farm/ranch application. The unit can be used right out of the box with included flux core wire (FCAW) or easily converted to shielding gas operation (GMAW). It can be used to weld steel, stainless steel, aluminum and cast iron (must use correct wire and gas). It features a Tweco-type torch with full on/off safety control, multiple power settings and infinite wire speed for accurate welding control. It includes a fan-cooled power unit and thermal overload protection. Product includes welding mask, wire brush/hammer, 030 flux core and .023 solid core wire starter spools, and contact tips.

ATD Tools 3130 130A 115V MIG Welder

  • Used with standard 120 volt electrical circuits
  • 40-130 amperes peak power
  • CSA rated output of 60 amperes at 21 volts, 40 percentage duty cycle
  • Simple to operate, great for auto body maintenance, hobbyist, farm and ranch
  • Can be used right out of the box with included flux core wire (FCAW), or easily converted to shielding gas operation (GMAW)

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