
Buy Wall Mountain Company Flux Core Arc Welding DVD, Model# 603DVD Store

Wall Mountain Company Flux Core Arc Welding DVD, Model# 603DVD Specification

Wall Mountain Company Flux Core Arc Welding DVD, Model# 603DVD Overview

Instructional DVD introduces the FCAW (Flux Core) welding process, featuring close-up welding demonstrations as seen through the welder's helmet. Covers both self-shielded and gas-shielded welding wires. Focuses on welder skills, demonstrating voltage and wire speed adjustments, wire extensions, gun angle, travel speed, metal preparation and joint fit-up. An excellent video for beginner and intermediate welders. Approx. 58 min. DVDs sold individually.U.S.A. DVD's (qty.): 1, Approximate Run Time (min.): 58 [else][endif] [if ]

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